Tuesday 25 December 2018

For a Mindful Christmas Day

Its that magical season of the year ya'all!! There's something about this season which fills up our life with joy and happiness and we ought to utilize it to the maximum. Merry Christmas to everyone out there and I hope that everybody's busy with Christmas celebrations or holiday plans. If not, then here are some ways to keep your mind and body busy with some 'Mindful Christmas special tips'. Follow them to keep the joy and spirit of this day up.

If you're not into Christmas and all its festivities, then you could just see this as a way to rewire your brain and mind to have a more positive outlook for this day (I dare you to keep up with this routine everyday and set a positive outlook on your life for the rest of your lives *winks*).

Its always the simple things that add joy to your life. And you cannot deny the happiness that you get when your loved one acknowledges you even while being busy, the sweet wishes that comes from even the most unexpected people, the decor lights that add magic to your space, the sweet cake that you get from neighborhood or even the beautiful chilly mornings that fills up magic around you. Christmas is exactly the time for all these moments.

Even if you have no plans to do, you don't have to just lazy around and be bored all day. If you do so, eventually you'll complain about the boring day you had by evening. And trust me, one such negative complaint will then set your mind to more negative thoughts and this my friend, is not good. Why waste your time and energy for such negativity when you could actually create some 'life' all by setting some plans?

Without further ado, lets move on to those simple tips:

The above is just a quick sneak peak into the tips illustrated in my journal. Really simple right? Now continue reading. Because some things sounds better and important when they are stressed out a little further...

1 ✱ Reach Out to Your Loved Ones 

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Reach out to your loved ones. It could be your friends, family or some one else and reach out and have some kind of conversation with them. Make sure it would include people whom you haven't talked in a long time. Let this day be a day for rekindling old connections. 

Let go of that ego or whatever barrier you had and just reach out. This would brighten up your day because talking to someone could shift your mind further.

2 ✱ Add Some Creativity  to Your Home and Life

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Being a person who loves to do creative things, I cannot stress enough on the importance of doing something creative. Make some kind of decor for your home or the tree, draw something special, do something crafty. Do whatever that interests you and spend a little time of your day being creative. 

This will definitely get your mind refreshed. Its guaranteed! And oh wait, you could even create something so that you could gift it to someone special too! How about that? Definitely a way to make someone else happy!!

3 ✱ Practice Mindful Meditation

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 Whatever culture, whatever religion or whatever beliefs you have, it all says to have a quite mind once in a while so as to refresh your thoughts. So a quick mindful meditation is definitely a good idea. It doesn't have to be like, you have to sit for a long time closing your eyes or anything. You could go to a quiet place and just think about all that you're blessed for until this day and maybe even write it down somewhere and just think about it all. You could:

  • Think about the achievements you've had so far
  • Be grateful for the people who are with you now
  • Be happy for the food and everything that you've enjoyed
  • Be grateful about living another day

And the list goes on. Like I've said before, its always the little things that makes up the big things. You might not value something until its gone. You'll not be grateful for your health until you become sick and bedridden. You'll then think about all those things that you've done when you were healthy. So live in the moment and meditate upon all the good things in your life and be grateful about. This in itself is enough to make you happy.

4 ✱ Plan and Go for shopping

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This a little trick that I use whenever I feel bored at home. Think of all the things that you need to buy. Make sure that its necessary, we don't want to waste money naah? Just don't go for the sake of shopping, go so that you could have some time outside and also to buy the necessary items. 

Bonus: you could also enjoy the beautiful home and street decors when you go outside. Drive around (or walk around) and admire the beautiful lights.

5 ✱ Plan a Movies Night for Yourself

Find a good movie to watch on this day. Make sure that its not something that would make you sad or gloomy. Hey! its Christmas, lets save those drama and tragedy for another day okay?

Watching Christmas movies would be a great way to enjoy this special day.

6 ✱ Cook Something Special (or try something special)

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Cook something or try out something simple. If you don't know cooking, then its your chance to begin. If you are not interested in cooking, at least try out a special dish today. 

Christmas is also a time for good food and dishes right? Even making a simple juice or smoothie would add to your sense of achievement.

7 ✱ Stretch Those Stiff Muscles!

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Look up Youtube or somewhere else and do some quick yoga or exercise. This would ensure some blood flow into your body. To all those people who have been wanting to do exercise or yoga, here's your chance. You don't need to wait until  New Year to do something new. You can start right now and keep up with it. 

So when you make resolution on the New Years eve, you don't have to worry about not keeping up with it because, you have already taken the baby steps. After all, a healthy body and mind is always essential for a happy life.

8 ✱Pray Mindfully and Meaningfully

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If you are not into religion or praying, you could just skip this, but to all the other folks, I suggest you to pray mindfully today. I have always believed that special days like these are the days when magic happens. It doesn't have to be your festival or your kind of culture, but hey, there's a holy background attached to it right? 

I like to think of special days and manipulate it into my own special days for communicating with God. Like I said before, be grateful and say thank you to God. Believe that you are on the right path with the guidance from power up above and pray for your people and yourself and more importantly, say thank you.

9 ✱ Forgive Others and Yourself

Let this day be reminder for you to forgive all those people who have done you wrong and forgive yourself too. Because letting go is the ultimate cure to free the aching heart. You don't need all those bottled up emotions in you.

 You just have to let go of it and cleanse your  mind before the New Year. It will make your day as well your life happy. Just believe that everything will be okay once you stop focusing on it too much and start seeing your past (or present) problems and situations it on another, positive perspective.

10 ✱ Have a Family Time and Live in the Moment

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Well, its obvious that this is the day for being with your family and making the most of it. But make sure that you are making time for them and not just doing it for the custom. Have food with them, talk a lot with them, take a lot of photos, and make it memorable. Have a Christmas special photo session or get your family photos taken. Photo sessions are always fun right?

Just make sure that you are not including too much social media into it. Because it will definitely take away your mind from living in the moment. 

So.. that's it folks!!The whole point of all these tips is to have a mindful day. So make sure that at the end of the day, you are happy and content with whatever you have done. Never do things for the sake of doing it. 

Always do things and follow your routines authentically. Do and give things out of love. You have to keep in mind that all these are for your happiness and not to please anyone else or to expect anything from others. 


Be the light and the light will follow you eventually.

*Merry X'mas & Happy Holidays!*

Saturday 16 June 2018

Be Content With Yourself

Being happy is something everyone wants in their life. But not everyone could be happy all the time and is this really a problem? No, because we are all humans we have feelings that wouldn't allow us to be happy all the time, which is perfectly normal of course.

One thing that could make us happy in life is by being content with ourselves. When you're content with yourself, you will need no specific reasons to become happy. And thus replicate your mental health positively. Because being happy or having a good mental health is the greatest priority our life which many people fail to recognize.

Something that I have read everywhere and actually experienced in my life is that, you cannot always keep a happy positive mind every time. There would be situations or points in life when you would just break down or become completely down. And you 'd think to yourself, "Why? why me?"

But if you overcome it and come back to that happy state again, then you'd find yourself getting a message or a lesson that would help you in life later. And then you'd think, this was all a part of learning in life. So basically, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" as someone wise has quoted.

Being happy with our life and with our self is the greatest solution for us to attain that sound and happy life. Most importantly be happy with yourself. Make each day a great adventure for you and stop thinking that some things or some people would only make your life happy.

No that's not how it should be. People are there with us for a reason and yes, feel blessed to have them but stop attaching your happiness to them. Stop expecting so much from them so that you'd hurt yourself in the end when they don't meet your expectations.

And stop thinking of the material things that you don't have in your life so excessively. Nothing could actually make you happy if you are that type of a person who's attached to material possessions because even if you have gained them for yourself, you wouldn't be satisfied because by that moment you would have already got another material on your wish list.

Its perfectly human to wish and expect for things but when you are too much attached, that won't be a good idea. I have heard people saying or complaining of the things they want or achieve and affirming that they won't be happy until they get it.

And then there are some others who expects favors or deeds from others and believe that without "such and such" people in their life, they wouldn't be happy. I have been there too but I have realized and is still realizing the fact that this is a really wrong mentality.

So what happens to people like that is that when they fail to achieve something or get the thing that they want, they would loose their mind and becomes dissatisfied. And the people who have attached their happiness to other people? They would get hurt like anything when their loved ones wouldn't live or do according to what they have expected them to be and there goes their happiness too.

If you could focus on yourself more , this could be changed and finally you'll be the creator of your joy in life. Some thing that you could do are given below:

#1 Practice non detachment: Detach yourself from people materials and certain expectations. This would itself relieve that tension hanging down your shoulders. Materials are just materials and people are human beings with human abilities. Stop expecting healing energy or too much comfort from them.

#2 Improve yourself: 

Always try to improve your life by doing things. Like go for a walk..read books (I would advice you to read self help books because they could actually enlighten you), exercise, learn something, develop a skill etc. You have to first look into your life and find out what you could be improved and work on it. This will keep you busy too, thus improving the mind and removing clogging thoughts.

#3 Smile: 

Who needs pills when just smiling could cure your woes? Always believe that even a smile could make you happy. All you have to do is smile and think about all the happy things that you have created in your life( Only think about your goodness, your achievements and good deeds) and be proud and happy for the person you have grown into.

#4 Stop expecting so much:

I know this is a really difficult thing because we all do this every time and get our hearts broken.Stop expecting so much from others and from life. You can only make yourself happy.As I have said above, no human can always make you happy and no material things or possession could make you happy. In fact we'd develop worrying habits and may even go into depression if our expectation are too high.

#5 Make this your daily thought:

"Only I can make my life happy. 
And I have attracted people, luck and materials into life because I have allowed it to and they are all there to supplement my happiness and they are not the reason for my entire well being" 

#6 Take care of yourself: 

Take care yourself and I have already written a post on self love and its importance and that would include taking care of ourselves. Do things that would help you glow, and eat healthy to glow inside out. Don't take situations too personally and punish yourself by not taking care of yourself. Because bad vibes only attracts bad vibes.

#7 Do things that you love: 

 Like drawing,dancing, travelling, listening to music or gardening. Maybe try new things and add flavor to your life. Even you could change your life by leaving those monotonous habits behind and experimenting things.

#8 Radiate love and happiness: 

After doing all those things above and finally you are content your life, you'd finally find yourself light and relieved. And as you would feel good, you would attract more happiness in your life and the things that worried you will fade away. You will find them either unimportant or all fixed by this time and then you could could say,"I am the creator of my happiness". This is not even a tip and it's something that would come along.

We are all on this path of healing and understanding life and its never too late to change our life. its okay to fall sometimes but remember to get up and build  a stronger you with every fall. Make the most out of your life with whatever you are offered and be content with yourself. Everything else would just fall in place eventually.

Stay Happy Ya'll!! Much love to everyone!!

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Tuesday 22 May 2018

Making Things Happen

One of the greatest problems that I (and many of you) face in life is the inability to stay productive. I procrastinate like a pro and It gets worse with time. But I always try to get it all done right before the deadline too. Every time I will tell myself ,"You are not gonna waste time this time" "You're gonna be super productive", but to my dismay, I will find myself falling into my lazy old habits again.

And it's worse when I get a holiday or a vacation and I decide to be very creative and finally develop my skills or do more DIY or learn cooking...since there's no deadline or anything and the days will roll by leaving me still the same old person without a bit of improvement or change. I will regret like anything about the long gone precious time I could have used so well.

Being productive is very important because of the fact that it will help you improve, prioritize tasks, get your things done, make you feel happy, and motivates you to do further more and I am sure all of you have experienced this at some point of time.

Maybe you need not need any tips or advice to practice being productive and have already mastered the art of getting things done. Well good for you then!(I envy you) But if you are a lazy pig like me who needs extra self-motivation or a push to do something then you probably should continue reading!

I have a dear friend of mine who gets all the work done and enjoy his time only after the works are over. He is so determined and productive so that nothing would stop him from completing his tasks. And finally I would find him enjoying the benefits that he got himself by being productive.

This has inspired me to fiercely jump into a task, but my lazy mind would get stuck somewhere in the middle of the race and it would take a while to be on track and I really hate this. I have many other friends who has inspired me in this way. And I guess its just the way different people are disciplined or habituated. Some are naturally lazy ( like me lol!*winks*) and some are super determined.

I finally tumbled upon a cool idea to push myself to be productive and get my works done. I found this on the internet a few days back and its actually working for me now. Its really simple and creative and thus it caught my eye right at the moment I saw this tip and I was like, "It should definitely help me" and then I used it and I can't believe that some of the things that needed to be done were not even actually a difficult task and all you have to do is to push your lazy self into it and just do it!!

Without further ado, here's steps to be done...Really simple and yet helpful. Its more like a creatively complicated to-do-list that you cross after its done.

#1.Make a list of all the things that you need to do daily. Make sure that it does not include really simple things and includes the tasks that will actually provide you some benefit.

#2.After you are clear about the things to be done, now take a plain book and create a plan like shown below in the picture. I prefer books because it could be used to draw more plans when the first one has timed out.

#3.You can be creative and do whatever in it to make it beautiful and interesting for you.

#4.Keep this on your desk or somewhere so that it would catch your attention and mentally note that you have a plan written that needs to be crossed off once you get things done.

#5.After doing each task just check or draw cross against the tasks written.

#6.At the end of the day make sure that all the task are crossed and you won't believe the immense happiness you would feel at that moment.

The above is actually my productivity tracker and this is a redo because my original one (which was done on a paper) got tampered and it cannot be further used. You could either do like this or add more decorations or make it really simple. The point is, it should have all the major tasks written on it and make sure you get it done as much as you can (Ignore the blank circles that needs to be crossed!! I couldn't complete them due to lack of time or my presence at the right place).

Getting things done would become so much fun for you because:
1) You actually have a productivity tracker.
2) The creativity involved in making it and seeing it would ignite your energy.
3) A sense of accomplishment succeeding it after its done, will become a bigger motivation for you to move forward.

I bet all the creative folks out there are excited to do this tip and if you are, I advice you to start doing it as soon as possible because the time is slipping away, grab it before its gone forever. Stay productive with the help of this tracker and I am sure you'll never have to regret again for being lazy.

Stay productive ya'all!! Much love!!

Thursday 17 May 2018

The Power Of Gratitude That Could Turn Your Life

"The Struggle ends when gratitude begins"

 I was sitting in my room and relaxing when I noticed this quote pinned on to my wall and decided that the next post would be about gratitude. It has been on my wall for a long time and would always reminds me to be grateful for all the blessings in life rather than complain about the things that went wrong. Being grateful has a really great effect than most of us would think of it .

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A few years back, I would read a quote about gratitude or some verse from a religious book and would think " Oh well, I will be grateful when I have it" and would forget about it as the time rolls. But later I realized that what I have shrugged off was something that could bring a lot of joy to us.

Being grateful is something that needs practice. If you could think about your life you would be able to think of at least a hundred things that makes your life better than someone else on this planet. And then there would be ten or fifteen things that doesn't work out for you. What we usually do is that we would focus on the ten or fifteen complaints most of the time and forget the good things we have.

And that my friend, is the biggest mistake we could make. You see, when we pray and when we feel grateful, there's this magic that would happen in our lives, we would start getting the same luck or blessings again and again.

Have you ever had a friend or a relative who gets it all in life and who seems to be very lucky?
they seem to understand the secret of living great life and we would always wonder how they got it all together.

Try talking to them, they would be talking about blessings rather than complaints. They would always be happy and you would see them upset or worried once in a blue moon. These are the winners!! They definitely know how to live.

On the other side there would be someone ( it could be you, your friend or anyone) who always complains and seems to be getting all the bad lucks in their life day after day. They would be miserable and always upset about something or the other in life.

So the real answer is this. This applies to everyone of us regardless of our race or religion. You can find the the power of being grateful in all the religion..its all the same message.

 Be grateful! Just be grateful for everything you have and be grateful for everything you will get. Yes you heard it right, be grateful for the unknown blessings that's coming your way. You have to think it in this way, You are the creator of this life.. and God is up there granting your wishes, You have to look up at God and say thank you along with something that you want in life.

Yes, you have to visualize something that you want in life and just pray in such a way that its already happened. You have to do it until it happens.The more you visualize it and feel it in your heart, the more real it would be.

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Maybe you want new dress or some money..what you could do is to think about you getting instead of complaining that you can't get it. Just visualize and feel it in your mind that you are already having it in your hand and be grateful for having it. You would eventually find a way to get it and you will receive it.

If you have enough to live, be grateful, if you have people who supports and loves you, be grateful, if you have a special person in your life, be grateful, if you get a help, be grateful, if you have enough food and is safe, be grateful and you will receive more of it.

For all those people who actually do this could relate to this, I am pretty sure. You think of something that you want to receive everyday and feel it as it have happened and be grateful that it happened. And one day its there in your life and you will realize that you have created it in your life through your prayers and gratitude.

Pray as if it has already happened, act like it has already happened, and smile at the fact that its on your way and then its there. You focus on it, you thought about it, felt grateful at heart and made it true. Stop focusing on the negative situations because it will give you more and more negative situations.

What you focus on will happen in life. Just focus on the good and no matter what don't complain..at least don't complain it to a point that you speak only to complain. Distract yourself when you feel like complaining and miserable and start to feel grateful. You could already feel the relief.

Now there are things that you should keep in mind when practicing gratitude and Its as below:

#1.What you focus on when you visualize and feel it, is what you will get in life. If you focus on good, it will happen, if you focus on the bad, it will happen.

#2. Don't pray and be grateful just to achieve something. Pray and be grateful at heart, feel it and be joyful about it. Feeling good is a sign that its working out.

#3.Never expect everything to work out very easily.

#4.Be grateful even for the simple pleasure in life, and this itself would make you a happy soul.

#5.Prayer and gratitude could change your life around if you could do it in the proper way. When you pray and visualize eliminate desperation, guilt, regret and all other things with happiness, gratitude, smile and peace.

#6. If you do all this and is still miserable, its only because you haven't really eliminated the negative thoughts about this whole process. Just believe that it will happen and wait for your blessings while you keep on being grateful.

So keep all those negative thoughts aside and practice gratitude and you'll see how it would magically turn your life around. Just believe, ask, pray, feel grateful and receive it!!
Much love to everyone!!

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Magical Harry Potter White Noise For Long Study Hours

When exams are nearing and you have to nose into those big boring books, you feel every part of your brain chanting different songs or maybe procrastinates like a pro until it becomes too late.

 Yeah, we all have this habit of procrastinating and regretting it the day before exams. But then there's another big problem, lack of concentration. When you finally force yourself to study and two minutes into it and you lost it at the sound of a phone notification or a murmur...and voila...you are back to procrastination again! 

But if you are a Harry Potter fan, (and even if you are not too) then I have a good news for you! Imagine reading your text books in the Hogwarts study hall or Gryffindor common room with all those cozy furniture s around and only magical sounds...wouldn't it be wonderful?

#Study Aid : White Noise 
So I have recently found a YouTube channel (just in time for my uni exams) that creates Harry Potter ASMR ambiance sounds and I listened to it and it's absolutely awesome! Not only was I able to study for many hour straight I was also able to concentrate in my studies without getting distracted and all this time I felt like I was in Hogwarts.

The YouTube channel is ASMR Rooms and the youtuber has put in a lot of effort and details in all the videos to make it more HP like and magical. The white noise (relaxing noise that helps you block out extraneous noises) playing in the back with all those scribbling of pencils and fire place burning gives you a cozy feeling and makes it even more better. I'm absolutely in love with these videos!

There are a lot of study musics on the internet but these were the only ones that actually helped me. Being an HP fan made it better. Well, everyone has their own tastes right?
So here's the link to the channel and check it out:

Roam through the channel and find out the best study place for you. Mine was Gryffindor common room and the study hall. The links for them are as below:

So next time, when you lack the concentration for prolonged studies, just try this out! You might like it.Happy Studying!!

A Fun Way To Create Self Love

We all have dealt with low self esteem and aversion towards ourselves in our life. It could be because we feel that we are not good enough or because we believe that other  people have it better than us, heck!! it could be anything! Being negative about oneself is really easy actually! But being positive about oneself even when there's a lot of bad situations going on...well, that would require a lot of self love and confidence! 

Self love does not mean being egoistic or self centered, it means that we know ourselves much better than anyone else so that we would never allow any external energy to bring that image down. We know what we deserve and we create our inner positive world. Its like knowing oneself and loving for what one is in this life.

Being a person who have struggled through low self esteem and finally tackled it, I really know how hard it is to love oneself when you have so much negative thoughts in your mind about yourself. Its really difficult especially since there are a lot many people out there that constantly brings you down and our poor mind starts to believe every negative comments that we get.

I have learnt that what we think and what we perceive is all our own faults! Its all in your mind...I repeat...ITS ALL IN YOUR MIND!!

We think a lot daily...and what thoughts that consume our mind most would determine what kind of attitude we have. If your feed your mind with positivity, you would have a positive attitude and if its the negative comments and feelings that we focus on, then we are doomed with a negative attitude. And by this I mean a negative feeling towards oneself and this is enough to destroy your happiness!

So how to stop this is and start loving yourself? The answer is really simple...just start believing that you are worthy and you are nothing less than anyone in this world! Just start believing in yourself and tell yourself everyday that you are worthy of your love and you yourself deserves your love more than anyone else.

And when you start believing this..that's when the magic happens! You will start feeling right..you will stop worrying..you will feel so good about yourself that no negativity surrounding you would affect your mind and that's the power of affirmations!

Your vibe attract your tribe. When you feel positive, you'd start to attract postive people into your life too and that's a really great development because your positive vibes would always be maintained with the company of your positive tribe!

Easy as it may seem, it could be impossible for many who starts doing it. And this uneasiness could be tackled by one fun activity. Read below for the fun tip:

#Creating An Affirmation Jar

Affirmations helps you to think more positively about yourself and its a really easy way to build up positive mind and soul. Speaking to yourself about how good you are and how blessed you are is actually the gist of affirmations. But if you could write it all down and read it aloud daily, it could be more fun and effective.

The pictures shown above and below are of my affirmation cup (I thought the cup was enough for putting them) and I keep it on my table so that I would always see it. I take cards out whenever I feel like and would definitely lift me up.

 So all you gotta do is to write some affirmations in a colored paper or any paper of your choice. Make sure that the papers are thick enough so that it wouldn't tear in the long run and also it should be of the size of a visiting card.

Then write down affirmations such as "I am confident in myself and my abilities" "Today is my best day" "My inner world and outer world is both beautiful" etc. You can google certain affirmations or make yourself some and write about 50 of it at least.

And put this all in a jar or a cup or anything you prefer. You could write more later and make your affirmations jar full.

Every morning after waking up, pick two or three of your affirmation cards from the jar randomly and say it aloud to yourself. Do this everyday and you would feel that the affirmations are actually true. This would increase your positive energy which would eventually make your life better.

In this way you have to talk to yourself lovingly everyday and this is the only way to create self love and trust me, when you start loving yourself better, nothing would bring you down. You will start feeling confidence and do better.

You would no longer get hurt easily by anyone's negative comment. You would not allow yourself to think badly of yourself again. And you will start to protect your soul from every bad vibes because you know that you are bad-ass person getting your together!

You will feel more beautiful and wouldn't want anyone else's appreciation to feel good about yourself! You as a whole is enough for you to feel happy and conquer this world and all you have to do is to start believing it!

So follow this tip if you are really serious about feeling good and making your life better. It's really worth it! Stay happy ya'all!!! And always remember..you are worthy and you are loved!

Friday 30 March 2018

To My Princess, From The Stars..

You needed me when I was gone
You cried for me when I was away
All I want to say now is that,
You've made a big mistake
But baby the biggest of them all
Was loving me.....

I never deserved you..
Your beautiful smile and beautiful face,
All casted a spell on me
You're a princess baby just believe me
And you need a Prince...
I'm just a low life, an underdog,
Who finally got the angel
So just let me go baby even though
I don't want you to...
You deserved more than me

 I'll always love you
Even as I'm away from you..
In this beautiful heaven
With all these angels around me
Who's beauty is nothing compared to you
I'm watching over you baby girl..
So just look up every night,
To the beautiful night sky
Where I'll stay forever...

The stars twinkles and flickers constantly
Like its nervous or shy..
Just like you when I first saw you..
Just like how you mad me feel...
When you smiled at me,
My beautiful princess...

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Your Past Teaches You

My Regrets

I'm seventeen...
But regrets my past..
My life is still in its dormancy,
Is yet to begin...
But the things I've experienced,
Have always made me think..
And now I regret my past
What will my future be?
Only if I could go back in time
I'd change a lot of things
If I could find a time machine,
My present won't be so miserable..
I'm seventeen...
And I regret my past
What will my future be?
If I've started this phase,
At this dormant stage.

This was a poem I wrote when I was seventeen. The other day I found this from one of my old books and I was kinda moved. I couldn't believe that I'm the same person who wrote this at that age. Although I couldn't remember the reason for me writing this at that time, I knew one thing. I am not that depressed and shy girl anymore now. I have become much more stronger than that.

One thing I have learned in this life is that you cannot live peacefully in this world with a sack of regrets hanging on your shoulder. You keep on filling it in day by day with your thoughts, deeds and hopes and this is not a healthy thing to do. There's always a point in life where you have to be in that "process of growing" and then there's a point in life when you have to stop doing it.Because not everything is meant to be the same all the time. You have to learn to let go of things people and circumstances that weigh you down in your life.

So if you ever feel that you are not doing well in life or you are going in the wrong direction, trust me...things are happening in the way they are supposed to be. you just have to worry less and start living your present.

And oh yes..what would the 21 year old me say to this 17 year old me?
"Baby, you have always been on the right path..whatever you have gone through was supposed to make you strong. The 21 year old you is proud of you and she's much more stronger"

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For a Mindful Christmas Day

Its that magical season of the year ya'all!! There's something about this season which fills up our life with joy and happiness and...